A Message from Bob Arnold, Family Centers' CEO

As I recently began my 47th year at Family Centers and 42nd as CEO, my mind drifted back to my first day. I arrived at 40 Arch Street on a warm September day in 1977 as a second-year social work intern from Columbia University. The atmosphere was more 1950's than the modern 70's. I began to wonder if I had erred in ignoring my faculty advisor's advice not to choose The Family Center for my internship. She had informed me that it was "very old school," not at all progessive and that I probably would not have an optimal experience.
She warned me that the ladies that ran the place had sherry in the library every day at 4 p.m., but thankfully that ritual ended three years earlier. My advisor's "old school" assessment was right. But as it turned out, The Family Center was the perfect place for me to land because it was ripe for change. I never could have imagined on that first day that I would stay all these years and be a part of a constantly evolving, dynamic organization that became all about change.
My professional journey at Family Centers has been nothing short of amazing. I have met and worked with some of the most interesting people from all walks of life. Helen Gratz Rockefeller and Dorothy Walker Bush, both of whome chaired the Board back in the early 1930's and 40's, were still attending annual meetings and remained engaged in the agency's work. Their efforts and those of their contemporaries led to four nonprofit mergers throughout the 1930's. I gained a clear picture of the early years of philanthropy in Greenwich and the influence it had in the formation of The Family Center, and more importantly the role it could play in the organization's future.
It was a twist of fate that I landed in the CEO position in 1982, when the late Muffie Lynch and April Vehslage, co-chairs of the search committee, made a calculated risk recommending a 29-year-old social worker to take the reins. I will always be grateful to those two daring and remarkable women for placing their faith in me. During my tenure, we have successfully completed nine mergers and acquisitions, which created a larger, more efficient and comprehensive service delivery system for critical services.
For me, the mission of Family Centers has always been the centrifugal force holding on to me and others who deeply believe in the powerful impact our work has on people's lives. It has been a privilege and sheer joy to spend so many years of my life in service to that mission. I am not saying there weren't enormous challenges along the way—and there will be more in the future—but the wonderful, smart people I worked with always found solutions to those challenges. That's just the way things work at Family Centers.
As I make my way to the exit and the next chapter in my life, I could not be more excited about the future that lies ahead for Family Centers, the people we serve, and my extraordinary colleagues who will continue to carry on the transformational work of this treasured institution. My heart will always reside at Family Centers, and I will remain the bleachers cheering on the team.

The search for Family Centers' next CEO is underway and conducted by The Strategy Group. Learn about the position and apply here.
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