Family First Expands for 2019-2020 School Year
Family First in Education has expanded to accommodate an additional 20 students and their families during the 2019-2020 school year. In its first three years, the program has consistently grown to meet the needs of Greenwich families qualifying for the Federal Free and Reduced Lunch program. Enrollment started at 40 students in 2016. This most recent expansion boosts the number served to 80.
Family First in Education is a collaboration between Family Centers, the Greenwich YMCA, the Per and Astrid Heidenreich Family Foundation and Greenwich Public Schools. Utilizing a collective impact strategy, Family First in Education aims to close Greenwich's Achievement Gap by positively impacting family wellness, school and community engagement, academic growth and social/emotional development.
Family First provides participating students with effective after school academic enrichment services, and wrap-around parent engagement support facilitated by masters-level clinicians. This unique component helps to strengthen families and faciliates a higher level of engagement in both the community and their children's school.
Visit for more information on the Family First in Education Program.
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